Monday, August 3, 2009

Is the idea of the christmas stocking taken from the feast of saint nicholas?

since children leave their shoes out for st. nicholas to leave candy for them.

and happy st. nicholas day.. God Bless=)

Is the idea of the christmas stocking taken from the feast of saint nicholas?
actually the stocking thing started with St. Nicholas, but not with candy. The story says that St. Nicholas came across a very poor family, a father and his 3 daughters. The father was contemplating selling the oldest into slavery to get the money for the dowry of the other two. However when it came time to trade daughter for money he couldn't bring himself to do so. In that time, as we all know, it was customary to wash and dry your stockings every night. So St. Nicholas (allegedly) tossed a golden coin from the open house window into the stocking of the oldest girl, and she was married to a higher class man. He did the same when it came to the middle child and the youngest as well..
Reply:sort of

NIcholas knew a family with 3 girls and a dad who were so poor the father could not care for them

he left three socks with a gold ball in each for the gals and the dad was able to keep his daughters..
Reply:Yes. Originally gifts were given to children on the feast of St.Nicholas and not at Christmas.

The stocking comes from a story about St. Nicholas who was Bishop of Myra in the 4th century. There was a man in the town who had three daughters and he could not afford the dowry to get them all husbands. St Nicholas wanted to give them each a gold coin but his gifts were always anonymous. He decide to throw the coins down the chimney of their house. When he did this, the coins fell into the girls stockings that were hanging by the fire to dry over night.

As a matter of interest, there is a statue of Santa in Myra in Turkey where he is known as Noel Baba.

Also of interest is the fact that he attended the First Council of Nicea where the Nicene Creed was written and adopted by the Christian church.

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