Monday, August 3, 2009

Ladies, when you are not at home, why are you walking around in your stocking feet?

And the bonus question is where do you find yourself walking around without shoes most often? (Work or office, mall, theater, conference center or hotel, bar or night club, grocery store, gas station, outside in general, etc.)

I have seen many girls walking around in their nylons, and in fact my girlfriend seems to do this a lot! I asked her about it and she told me that she just loves the feeling of being in just nylons!

So, is it:

1) Your shoes hurt your feet.

2) You are flirting and want men to see your feet.

3) Your feet are too hot.

4) You like the feeling of walking in nylons.

5) You forgot to put your shoes back on after having them off.

6) You forgot your shoes all together.

7) Other? Please explain!

Ladies, when you are not at home, why are you walking around in your stocking feet?
I always walk barefoot -never in nylons- because it's comfortable. I love feeling all the different surfaces underfoot; walking around with even the thinnest soles is like visiting an art show wearing dark glasses or a concert wearing ear plugs.

I don't care for nylons, I've only owned two or three pairs in my life and they didn't last more than a day or two even when I still wore shoes, before they had a rip in them. I'm much too active for such flimsy clothing!

I don't walk barefoot to attract attention, I get lots of questions (contrary to the US, few people here think it's gross or dangerous, nor are there any dress codes in stores or restaurants, but it is rare so I get loads of curious questions like isn't that cold or did you lose your shoes). But even though the comments are rarely negative, sometimes I get a bit tired of them. I'd like it best if I lived some place where bare feet were more common and fewer people would say anything at all.... as for flirting with guys, I don't know if foot fetishes are more uncommon here or if it's just coincidence but I've hardly ever had that kind of attention from a guy in all those years I've gone barefoot. It's usually seen as a bit of a hippie thing or a health freak thing, more in the category of wearing socks and sandals or Birks, than anything attractive. If I wanted attention from guys the first thing I'd have to change about myself is buy a pair of fashionable shoes again!
Reply:feeett hurt! fashion over comfort!
Reply:omg i don't even know what nylons are? lol!
Reply:Sometimes all of the above, %26amp; sometimes, some of us are just being polite and removing our shoes so as not to dirty the other persons home, office.
Reply:These question should be classified as "Your thinking too much."
Reply:I would like to know the answer to this too. I think it's awful and disgusting. I do go without shoes/socks in my own home.

But out in public places no way. Even if my feet are aching in 4" heels oh well. I will suffer in the pain, I chose to wear them.

Yes fashion over pain, but if you take off the shoes are you really choosing that?

How attractive are those feet...all black on the bottom and who knows what's stuck to them. JMO but ewwwwwww.
Reply:Personally I hate nylons...I wear cotton socks, thicker or thinner according to what i wear (sneakers or boots), and only calf-short nylons with pumps or leather shoes worn under troursers, but that's it...*smile*

develop skin cancer

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