Monday, April 20, 2009

JPM Bear Acquisition?

%26quot;A few additional comments. JPM is buying the stock, not the assets, of BSC. Therefore, JPM is effectively stepping into BSC shareholders%26#039; shoes, open to all the the portfolio write-downs that will inevitably commence. So discussions around the value of one-off assets (%26quot;Gee, isn%26#039;t their building worth $1 billion - so doesn%26#039;t this mean that JPM is getting paid to take BSC for $236 million?%26quot;) is neither here nor there except in the context of getting to the bottom of what hard book value is, which is to say net of portfolio write-downs and diminution in the value of BSC%26#039;s most valuable businesses due to uncertainty. %26quot;

Can you someone please elaborate here?


JPM Bear Acquisition?
when you own stock in a company, you don%26#039;t get to use their building for your own use, and you don%26#039;t actually own anything that they own. Your stock means you get to participate in the earnings of the company, and vote on how the company is run.

Since JPM is only buying the stock, like you or I could, it means that JPM won%26#039;t own the building that BSC owns, and it won%26#039;t own any assets that BSC owns.

of course, if JPM acquires all, or enough shares, then they get to decide how the business is run.. and put their own officers in charge...and decide if they want to liquidate the business and take the cash from selling it all off!??

so, if JPB gets All the stock, they basically own everything anyway :-)


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