Saturday, July 25, 2009

Should i leave my boyfriend?I`ve given him chance after chance?

and yet he still insists on wearing nylon y-fronts and tight brown cords.As if that wasn`t bad enough he`s put on quite alot of weight and insists on wearing my bra when he goes morris dancing.I feel like the laughing stock of my village and he just doesn`t understand how much his dress sense upsets me.Should i leave him?I mean you wouldn`t wear a pair of shoes if they didn`t match your outfit so why should i walk around with someone that looks so hideous?

Should i leave my boyfriend?I`ve given him chance after chance?
i really can't see the problem with his dress sense or his hobby.

and what self respecting man does not have nylon y's(paisley or purple). be supportive(no pun intended) of his hobby and buy him a sports bra
Reply:do u still love him? if u do.. please tell him honestly what u feel now..
Reply:lol if you feel that strongly about it then let him go.
Reply:i would have left him long ago...
Reply:Almost funny, but not quite...
Reply:If you don't find him attractive you need to break up with him and move on.

Don't stay in a realtionship that doesn't make you happy.

If they aren't up to scratch, you leave 'em - don't take any rubbish from them.

I am now a lesbian - I hate men :-/

Come to think of it, I'm pretty annoyed with women too. I'll become a nun! At least I've still got my vodka :)
Reply:If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Ask him to take you shopping for summat just as bad as he wears, and go morris dancing with him! Can I suggest a red catsuit and some purple cowboy boots! You gave me a right laugh, cheers!
Reply:nylon y-frnts ..tight brwn cords...uhmm not exactly a nice picture..

-Ask yourself this question...

+What made you fall for him in the 1st place?

+Why you gave him chance after chance?

-My answers to those questions

+ You gave him chance coz' u love the dude.

+ Attire doesnt matter..Its the heart..the person they are.

+ But ofcoz if you cant stand being seen in public with him dressed like a freak you should let him know that you mean what you said bout his sense of "fashion:"( frankly i cant tolerate for too long if my bf was like that)

+ Last but not least.. if all the efforts you put doesnt most of them said..Its time to let it go.Tolerance has its limits.

PULL YOUR SELF TOGETHER!!!!! He sounds lovely, but hide your bra, buy him a small vest to go morris dancing.
Reply:Sorry- I can't type anything humourous as a comeback. I just peed meself thanks to you and your buxom lad.
Reply:I can only hope that you are joking. But just in case - nah, don't ditch him.
Reply:I suppose he at least has the decency to try and stop his man boobs from embarrassing you, by wearing your bra. Tight brown cords? Hmmm, your bloke sounds like my old science teacher, surely no two people would wear trousers so hideous? Is his name Mr Kilby? He sounds like he is trapped in the 70's, although its a shame he didn't stay there really. Get rid of him girl. Nobody needs someone like that cramping their style!
Reply:and what exactly attracted you to him in the first place??

were you blinded by the jewellry dripping off him.

or was his wallet so big that you couldn't see him properly?

try wearing sunglasses! (designer of course)
Reply:well you either like him for who he is or u dont. its that simple. when u like somebody u dont look at all the wrong things they doin.
Reply:Discuss it with him first and give him time to change.But if his style is really deeply rooted to his system,his family like that and or since he was a child he dresses like that and strongly believes that's the only way to do it or live life,then leave him with no regrets.
Reply:if u dont leave then let him leave u
Reply:first off eww, mental image.

next, i guess since it bothers you, why do you give im chances? do you like him walking over you, if you keep letting him he will figure he can do it and youll just give him another chance

finally, YOUR LEAVING HIM FOR WHAT HE'S WEARING? lol seriously...
Reply:just tell him, HEY I WANT TO BE ALONE FOR SOME TIME, I THINK YOU DESERVE BETTER...LETS JUST BREAK UP, AND WHEN WE SEE EACH OTHER ON THE STREETS LETS JUST PASS EACH OTHER. ... the answer is you have a compelling need to understand because you are full of love and your love that you have within you is what has you confused thinking he loves you. cause if he did love you he would not embarrase you like this. you should think about it this way, do you want to get pregant and have his children and then the children are made fun of by other children because of their father, The answer is no. use your best judgement. leave now while he is happy and let him have his fun. don;t give in again and change your phone number , dont open the door and stay away from him.....
Reply:Dump him as soon as possible.
Reply:leave him ! hes damaging your image !!! lol
Reply:lmao, well if u can't beat him join him u to will look gorgeous
Reply:darling, there is something wrong with him. a nylon y-fronts? that must be hell to wear. try tlking to him, explain that you don't feel comfortable, and if it doesn't work... do what you have to do.
Reply:If you love him you will stay with him...If you dont love him then dont put up with this behaviour. If he isnt willing to change then he cant truly love you, for if he did he would alter his ways or at least come to some compromise.
Reply:what? get real. give him the advice instead of ridiculing him to us
Reply:Poor fat bastard. He probly gets his sense of style from you, so help him help you. Shave your mustache, trim up the pubes a little maybe try brushing your teeth everyonce in a while and for gods sake, wipe your ***. Maybe he will learn from watching. Best of luck to you.
Reply:Well for some reason you were attracted to him, Y fronts and all and yet now you want to change him. You should never enter a relationship where you want to change the other person. You are taking away that part of him that is his alone. On the other hand, I wouldn't go out with him. If you are still in love with him, then talk to him, gently. Tell him you think he should have a change in wardrobe and take him shopping. Pick out something you think looks good on him and ask him to wear it on your next date. When people start complimenting him on his new clothes... he'll stick to them.

But if you do not love him anymore, let him down quick before you hurt him any deeper.
Reply:ditch him babe he doesnt sound natural

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