Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why are people hypocrites?

I have a friend who says the following statements amongst other things.

1) "I do not believe in people buying councll houses as it decreases the housing stock"- Whilst at the same time she owned two homes in the South of England

2) "I do not believe that people should drive 4x4's" - whilst at the same time she dirves an estate car and flies off to Australia

3) "I believe in green issues" - Whilst living in a four bedrioomed home by herself. Incidentally she leaves her lights constantly on and drives one mile rather than taking the bus.

4) "I think people should be vegetarian" - Whilst still wearig leather shoes and eating fish

5) "I'm a socialist" Whilst refusing to give any money to charity or support causes which provide assistance to underdeveoped countries. I once gave her one of those gifts of a goat for a poorer family in Asia. She said she didn;t believe in that?????

Why are people like this? Do they not realise they are hypocrites?

Why are people hypocrites?
Judging from the statements, it is because she is a liberal.

That is one main reason why I dislike libs, huge hypocrites.

Want to know more about why I can't stand libs?

Because the average Liberal:

LOVES big government. HATES people who have made it. Thinks the role of government is to redistribute wealth by taxing it away from those who have and giving it to those who won't get off their ***!

Believes that the government should be in the business of conducting social agendas. Theirs of course (distributing condoms to grade schoolers, etc.)

Believes that the only solution to problems, like the crisis in education is to throw lots of money at it.

Thinks that a 14 year old girl should have an abortion without telling her parents, because of the constitutional 'right to privacy' (something that is NOT spelled out in the constitution).

Believes that all privately owned guns should be banned and confiscated. After all, the framers of the constitution really did NOT mean what they said in the 2nd Amendment (notice how we change the constitution when it suits their needs.)

Wants to keep a 45 year old man who has raped and murdered children alive forever and 'rehabilitate' him. When he rapes and kills again, wants to blame it on a bad childhood.

Believes that 'alternate' energy is the only solution to the energy crisis. But like Robert Kennedy Jr., only so long as it is not in my back yard.

Keeps the trial lawyers strangle hold on the justice system alive and well. No tort reform, no 'loser pays' (which by the way, is the norm in ALL of Europe).

Believes that the United States of America is evil, imperialistic, and in its current state has nothing redeemable to offer the world what so ever.

Believes that the USA should immediately become exactly like Denmark, Britian or another socialist country.

Thinks medicine should be socialized, EXCEPT for the plastic surgeons who give them their botox shots every week.

Illegal immigrants should have the vote (because we KNOW they'll vote for the government to give them free medical care, education, etc., which means more taxes, bigger government).

Brags that they embrace diversity, yet when you disagree with them, are more vehement and angry than any conservative.

And finally, the number one reason why I dislike liberals so much - the ACLU. Need I say more?
Reply:there will always be hypocrites around and the sad truth is that they actually do not see themselves as such
Reply:Blame it on Nanny PC.. everyone is becomming too afraid to say what they mean instead of what they meant !

Simple as.
Reply:She sounds a right pain. Trying to be politically correct by the sounds of it.


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