Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why are community moderators willing to do paid work for free?

Why are you working for free? Do you realize by working for free for Yahoo!, you are essentially helping make Yahoo! a more profitable company. In turn, that means that the stock goes up (ok ok, this is an oxy moron) and the RICH get RICHER. Meanwhile, poor peon's like us are doing hard work FOR FREE.

What gives? Would you all work for Microsoft for free too? Maybe you could polish Bill Gates shoes for free? No reason to delete this as it's a serious legitimate question. I just recently saw the announcement on the front page and I am curious, as a strong member of a strong union why anyone would work for free?

Why are community moderators willing to do paid work for free?
I would like to become a moderator to help increase my reputation and suggest that one of my friends who was wrongly suspended be brought back eventually, since that is what suspension means. I would also try to fix a lot of stupid features like the ability to report without anybody looking over this.
Reply:As if Y!A would pay for what is being done anyway
Reply:It's the same morons who do work and research for lazy kids for free in the homework help section.


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